Further guidance

This bibliography is accurate at the time of publication (2018). Revisions, superseding texts or updated versions of these standards and guidance must be taken into account.

General standards and guidance

Baxter, K, Boyle, G and Creighton, L, 2018 Guidance on the Rationalisation of Museum Archaeology Collections. Society for Museum Archaeology

Brown, D H, 2011a Archaeological Archives – a guide to best practice in creation, compilation, transfer and curation. Second Edition. Archaeological Archives Forum (AAF). https://doi.org/10.5284/1000078 

Brown, D H, 2011b Safeguarding Archaeological Information – Procedures for Minimising Risk to Un-deposited Archaeological Archives English Heritage

Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), 2014a Standard and guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and research of archaeological materials

Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), 2014b Standard and guidance for the creation, compilation, transfer and deposition of archaeological archives

Dig Ventures, 2019 Dig Digital. Work Digital. Think Archive. Create Access. A guide to managing digital data generated from archaeological investigations

FISH, 2018 Forum on Information Standards in Heritage (FISH) Thesauri
http://www.heritage-standards.org.uk/ http://thesaurus.historicengland.org.uk/

Historic England, 2015 Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment: The MoRPHE Project Managers’ Guide HEAG024 v1.2

Historic England, 2008 MoRPHE (Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment) Project Planning Note 3: Archaeological Excavation

Historic England, 2008 Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment. Swindon: Historic England

Museum and Galleries Commission, 1992 Standards in the Museum Care of Archaeological Collections

Perrin, K, Brown, D H, Lange, G, Bibby, D, Carlsson, A, Degraeve, A, Kuna, M, Larsson, Y, Pálsdóttir, S U, Stoll-Tucker, B, Dunning, C, and Rogalla Von Bieberstein, A, 2014 The Standard and Guide to Best Practice for Archaeological Archiving in Europe (EAC Guidelines 1)

Society for Museum Archaeology (SMA), 1993 Selection, Retention and Dispersal of Archaeological Collections. Society for Museum Archaeology

Research frameworks - national

Ancient Human Occupation of Britain (AHOB) Key Research Questions

Bayley, J, Crossley, D and Ponting, M, 2008 Metals and Metalworking. A research framework for archaeometallurgy. HMS Occasional Publication No. 6.

Blinkhorn, E, and Milner, N, 2013 Mesolithic Research and Conservation Framework 2013

Blinkhorn, E, and Milner, N, 2013 Developing a Mesolithic Research and Conservation Framework. Resource Assessment

Haselgrove, C, Armit, I, Champion, T, Creighton, J, Gwilt, A, Hill, J D, Hunter, F and Woodward, A, 2001 Understanding the British Iron Age: an agenda for action. Draft Report of a Working Party of members of the Iron Age Research Seminar.(PDF) Understanding the British Iron Age: an agenda for action. A Report for the Iron Age Research Seminar and the Council of the Prehistoric Society (researchgate.net

Historic England, 2008 Research and Conservation Framework for the British Palaeolithic

Historic England, 2010 Research Strategy for Prehistory Draft Consultation

Historic England, 2010 A Thematic Research Strategy for the Historic Industrial Environment

Historic England, 2010 A Thematic Research Strategy for the Urban Historic Environment

Historic England, 2012 Research Strategy for the Roman-Period Historic Environment

Irving, A, 2011 A Research Framework for Post‐Roman Ceramic Studies in Britain. The Medieval Pottery Research Group Occasional Paper No. 6.

James, S, and Millet, M, (eds), 2001 Britons and Romans: advancing an archaeological agenda. CBA Research report 125. York: Council for British Archaeology.

Medieval Settlement Research Group, 1996, revised 2007 Medieval Rural Settlements Group Policy Statement

Perrin, R, 2011 A Research Strategy and Updated Agenda for the Study of Roman Pottery in Britain. Study Group For Roman Pottery Occasional Paper No. 1.

Research frameworks - regional

Cooper, N J, (ed), 2006 The Archaeology of the East Midlands: An Archaeological Resource Assessment and Research Agenda. Leicester Archaeological Monographs 13.

Hey, G, and Hind, J, (eds), 2014 Solent‐Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment. Resource Assessments and Research Agendas. Oxford Wessex Monograph No. 6.

Knight, D, Vyner, B, and Allen, C, 2012 East Midlands Heritage. An Updated Research Agenda and Strategy for the Historic Environment of the East Midlands. University of Nottingham.

Museum of London, 2002 A Research Framework for London Archaeology

Rowsome, P, Baker, D, Stephenson, R, and Heyworth, M, 2015 A Strategy for Researching the Historic Environment of Greater London. Final draft for consultation.

Watt, S, (ed), 2011 The Archaeology of the West Midlands. A Framework for Research. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Historic England regional research frameworks can be found at:

Other research framework resources

Additional Historic England research frameworks:

High Speed Two (2017) HS2 Historic Environment Research and Delivery Strategy (HERDS): Phase One.


ADS (1) Data Management and sharing Plans 

ADS (2) Guides to good practice

ADS (3) Guidelines for Depositors

ADS (4) Guidance for the selection of material for deposit and archive

Digital Curation Centre data management planning resources

Historic England, 2015 Digital Image Capture and File Storage

Historic England’s Archaeological Data Archiving Protocol (ADAPt) Data Management Toolkit

Material standards

ACBMG, 2002 Ceramic Building Material Minimum Standards for Recovery, Curation, Analysis and Publication, Archaeological Ceramic Building Materials Group

Barclay, A, Knight, D, Booth, P, Evans, J, Brown, D H, and Wood, I, 2016 A Standard for Pottery Studies in Archaeology Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group, Study Group for Roman Pottery and Medieval Pottery Research Group

Historic England guidelines

Historic England, 1998 Dendrochronology: Guidelines on producing and interpreting dendrochronological dates Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2006 Guidelines on the X-radiography of archaeological metalwork Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2006 Science for Historic Industries: Guidelines for the investigation of 17th- to 19th-century industries Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2008 Guidelines for the Curation of Waterlogged Macroscopic Plant and Invertebrate Remains Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2008 Investigative conservation: Guidelines on how the detailed examination of artefacts from archaeological sites can shed light on their manufacture and use Swindon: Historic England. (archived document, not current guidance)

Historic England, 2010 Waterlogged Wood: Guidelines on the recording, sampling, conservation and curation of waterlogged wood Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2011 Archaeological evidence for glassworking: Guidelines for Best Practice Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2011 Environmental archaeology: a guide to the theory and practice of methods, from sampling and recovery to post-excavation (second edition) Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2012 Waterlogged Organic Artefacts: Guidelines on their Recovery, Analysis and Conservation Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2015 Archaeological and Historic Pottery Production Sites: Guidelines for Best Practice Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2015 Archaeometallurgy: Guidelines for Best Practice Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2015 Geoarchaeology: Using earth sciences to understand the archaeological record Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2017 Organic Residue Analysis and Archaeology: Guidance for Good Practice Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2017 Organic residue analysis and archaeology: supporting information Swindon: Historic England.

Historic England, 2018 The Role of the Human Osteologist in an Archaeological Fieldwork Project

Historic England, 2019 Animal Bones and Archaeology: Recovery to archive Swindon: Historic England.