Planning Case Study 23

Able UK Ltd, East Halton (c. 1.5km north of no. 24), North Lincolnshire.


1 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation identified significant new heritage assets

Pre-determination assessment/evaluation identified significant archaeology on the development site (i.e. the results created significant new knowledge), especially where none was previously known in the HER.

7 - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission

Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission and were necessary in order to enable the development to be permitted.

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest

Major planning application and EIA for commercial port-related storage facilities.
North Lincolnshire Council
PA/2009/0600; PA/2015/1264

Planning permission to erect buildings and use land for purposes within Use Classes A3, C1, B1, B2 and B8 for port-related storage and associated service facilities together with amenity landscaping and habitat creation, including flood defences, new railway siding, estate roads, sewage and drainage facilities - 388ha.

An area of known potential due to previous surveys and investigations in the area including the Humber Wetlands Survey.

A desk-based assessment and some non-invasive surveys were undertaken for a Heritage Assessment in 2009 as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment.

Pre-determination evaluation of Phases 1 & 2 (of 7) of the development was completed in 2010, revealing a hitherto unknown landscape of regularly spaced Iron Age and Romano-British settlements located along the former saltmarsh. Phases 1 & 2 have since been fully archaeologically investigated as provided for by a pre-commencement condition on the planning permission, and are awaiting commencement of the development. Mitigation of the remaining areas has also been secured as part of the framework for archaeological evaluation and mitigation.

After a hiatus, evaluation continued in 2017 with a geophysical survey that has identified further Iron Age/Romano British settlement across the rest of the site.

Pre-determination evaluation revealed significant new, and unexpected, archaeology in an area of known potential.

The developer is aware of the potential delays that could be caused by unexpected archaeology turning up just before or during development and is willing to commission both the post-determination evaluation and mitigation works in good time in relation to their plans.

  • AC Archaeology 2010, Able UK Humber Ports Facility - PA/2009/0600 Framework for archaeological evaluation and mitigation strategies. Unpublished report.
  • Allen Archaeology Ltd, 2018 Archaeological Assessment Report and Updated Project Design: Able Humber Port, East Halton & North Killingholme, North Lincolnshire. Unpublished report.