The Council for British Archaeology and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) are pleased to announce a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which sets out the basis for coordination and cooperation on advocacy between the two organisations.
Together, CIfA and CBA represent a strong voice for the sector, bringing sufficient resources, remit and record to provide a partnership for archaeological advocacy. Together, CIfA and CBA act as leading opinion formers and independent advisors to government, heritage sector partners and other decision-makers.
CIfA and CBA have mutually supportive but different sector-leading roles. CIfA’s focus is on promoting archaeological practice to professional standards. CBA’s focus is on the public interest in archaeology and its promotion. Together, through these distinct approaches, CIfA and CBA seek to add value to society and improve the recognition of the value of archaeology by society.
Each organisation supports the role, remit and focus of the other, with significant areas of overlap on priority issues and strategic approaches to advocacy issues.
This agreement will ensure strong, joined-up, advocacy for archaeology in years to come.
For more information, download the full MoU here.
The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) is the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas. CIfA promotes high professional standards and strong ethics in archaeological practice, to maximise the benefits that archaeologists bring to society. It is the authoritative and effective voice for archaeologists, bringing recognition and respect to the profession.
CIfA invests extensively in advocacy and policy work. It proactively builds networks and establishes trust with politicians, civil servants, sector bodies and key bodies beyond the sector; it also works in a reactive way, activating those networks in response to threats or opportunities arising from political initiatives, and responding to consultations.
CIfA’s principal advocacy objectives are
- to maintain or improve the protection and management of the historic environment – this is an objective it shares with many others
- to maintain or advance, in the interests of the public and clients, the quality of archaeological practice, particularly where occasioned through planning or other processes managing change to the historic environment – this is an objective it shares with some others but increasingly tends to lead on, and
- to ensure that work is done by competent professionals and to professional standards – this is an objective it is the sector lead on
Through its advocacy work CIfA aims to
- influence government policy and regulation, along with thinking and practice in government, the historic environment sector and wider sectors
- provide professional, authoritative, and balanced advice to ministers, parliamentarians, government departments and agencies, and NGOs
- work widely with partners across a range of sectors to achieve positive changes for archaeology
- be proactive in promoting our agenda
- be pragmatic in seeking opportunities to influence
- be strategic in how we prioritise our objectives
The Council for British Archaeology (CBA) is an educational charity and national amenity society with a leading role in championing the public interest in archaeology. CBA works throughout the UK to involve people in archaeology and to promote the appreciation and care of the historic environment for the benefit of present and future generations.
The CBA’s vision is Archaeology for all: by 2020 everyone will know how they can enjoy, understand and care for the historic environment – and why it matters.
Amongst the CBA’s strategic objectives for the current period, there is an objective for enhancing the protection and stewardship of the UK’s archaeological heritage. This includes:
- supporting the role of local historic environment advisory services, including seeking a statutory duty for planning authorities to have access to a professionally supported and maintained Historic Environment Record advisory service
- promoting the maintenance – and where appropriate enhancement – of levels of protection of the archaeological heritage on land and under the sea through the planning systems and other legislation/policies, and developing our role as a consultee in relation to listed buildings in England and Wales, working with local partners, to promote buildings archaeology
- promoting the protection and appreciation of the UK’s archaeological heritage on land and under the sea to politicians and key decision makers across the UK and abroad
- promoting the enhancement of appropriate levels of curation for archaeological material in museum collections and elsewhere with appropriate public access to encourage use
- facilitating and empowering more local engagement with advocacy associated with the protection and stewardship of the UK’s archaeological heritage
CBA is widely regarded as one of the most visible and respected voices in archaeology, often acting as the figurehead for the archaeological sector at the highest levels. CBA has an established reputation as an organisation which leads and encourages sector collaboration and has built relationships with politicians. CBA responds to policy and advocacy issues in a variety of ways including through consultations and other political initiatives. As a national amenity society, CBA also represents archaeological interest through its statutory role in the planning process.
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