The AHRC Heritage Priority Area and Rescue: The British Archaeological Trust are hosting a Conference on ‘Engaging with Policy in the UK: Responding to Changes in Planning, Heritage and the Arts’ at UCL’s Institute of Archaeology, London on Saturday 27 October 2018. This event will address challenges and opportunities resulting from changes in policy which impact the culture, arts and heritage sectors, and will also address the role organisations and civil society can take to shape policy in Government.
The event organisers describes that:
“There have been significant changes in the political landscape and increasing numbers of consultations/calls for evidence have emerged in the past few years, all of which are impacting the sectors that we work in. This Conference invites speakers from a range of organisations who have needed to respond to many of the changes brought forth, while also participating in government consultations by responding to proposals and calls for evidence. How do we provide the relevant information/evidence or highlight key issues to help reshape policy as we withdraw from the EU, recognising areas of concern such as how immigration policies will impact our sectors, whether the natural and historic environment is adequately protected in British Law, to how the arts, culture and heritage will be funded.”
CIfA will be speaking as part of one of the expert panels on the day.
Key note speakers will be Lord Colin Renfrew (University of Cambridge) and Cllr Huw Thomas (Leader of Cardiff Council), who will be talking about their views on changes to culture and the arts.
Other speakers include representatives from the CIfA, the Woodland Trust, ICOMOS-UK, the National Trust, Birmingham City Council, the Arts Council, PAN Intercultural Arts, RESCUE, Historic England, York University, Loughborough University and more who will present around three themes:
• Building culture and the protection of the historic environment into the planning system
• The changing role of culture, museums and the arts for wider society
• Addressing the need for evidence and practical strategies in responding to key issues and concerns of the changing landscape
CIfA’s Policy and Communications Advisor, Rob Lennox, said:
“This event should provide a useful chance to discuss the processes of change in our sectors and to think critically about how we approach the challenges of working with decision makers to influence policy for the betterment of the historic environment, arts, and culture. We are pleased to be among an exciting range of speakers and I look forward to debating some of the big issues around our vision for the future, and our approach to how we think we should get there.”
There are limited places for this event and tickets will be available on Monday 3rd September. For more information visit the Heritage Research or Rescue website