Following on from extensive consultations, we are very pleased to announce the publication of a draft proposal for the assessment of a Chartered Archaeologist grade of membership. The draft sets out the proposed positioning and methodology for the new grade and will form the basis of discussion with CIfA members and stakeholders in the run up to the 2017 AGM. At the AGM, members will be asked to vote on a motion instructing CIfA staff to proceed with the detailed drafting of an amendment to our Charter. If you approve, we will aim to bring the formal petition to amend the Charter to the 2018 AGM for approval, with a view to submitting to the Privy Council Office shortly thereafter.
You can find more information on the consultation process so far on our website at, along with a copy of the draft proposal. If you have specific questions on the content of the draft, please contact kate.geary [at] Otherwise, send your feedback and any other thoughts and suggestions to anna.welch [at]
Alongside the consultation on the draft, we’re running a short survey on the demand for Chartered Archaeologist status. We’d like as many archaeologists as possible to respond (whether CIfA members or not), so please encourage your colleagues to take part. It won’t take more than 10 minutes to complete, just click on the link to start