CPD Diaries

Members provide an insight into their own CPD diaries, to share their experiences with others and give us some ideas as to how we can all fulfil our CPD requirements. These are also added to our ebulletin. If you would like to contribute and share your experiences please get in touch with Lianne (lianne.birney [at] archaeologists.net).

2022 - conference bursary holders

Anna Hassett Affiliate - online CIfA bursary recipient

Rachel Hosier - CIfA online bursary recipient

Sabrina Ki PCIfA - CIfA online bursary recipient

Mike D'Aprix ACIfA - CIfA online and live bursary recipient

Victoria MacEwen - CIfA online and live bursary recipient

Megan Schlanker PCIfA - CIfA online and live bursary recipient

Siggy Osborne Student - Hal Dalwood bursary recipient

Denise Hillier Student - Theresa O'Mahony bursary recipient

Jen Henry - Past Horizons bursary recipient


Micki McNie - conference bursary recipient at CIfA2021

This contribution comes from Micki McNie Student member, one of the conference bursary recipients for the digital CIfA2021. To read Micki's entry, just follow the link above.


Natalie Olembo - work placement with CIfA

In July 2019, Natalie Olembo joined us on an eight-week placement. During her time at CIfA, Natalie wrote three blogs about her experiences which you can read by following the link above.

Katharina Moeller - conference bursary recipient at CIfA2019

Our July contribution comes from Katherina Moeller ACIfA, one of the conference bursary recipients for CIfA2019 in Leeds. To read Katharina's entry, just follow the link above.

Dragos Mitrofan - attendee of the conference in Leeds

Our May contribution comes from Dragos Mitrofan PCIfA who shares his experience of attending the CIfA2019 conference in Leeds. To read Dragos' entry, just follow the link above.

Nicole Schoute successfully applied for PCIfA

Our March contribution comes from Nicole Schoute PCIfA who shares her experience of carrying out CPD for the first time, with support from her employer. To read Nicole's entry, just follow the link above.

2013 to 2018

Alistair Galt - recipient of the Hal Dalwood memorial bursary at CIfA2018

Our August contribution comes from Alistair Galt PCIfA who shares his experience of attending CIfA conference in April 2018 through the Hal Dalwood Bursary. To read Alistair's entry, just follow the link above.

Edward Caswell - Conference bursary recipient at CIfA2018

Our April contribution comes from Edward Caswell who shares the benefits of attending CIfA conference in April 2018. To read Edward's My CPD entry, just follow the link above

Cat Gibbs - Advisory Council: Diggers' Forum representative

This contribution comes from Cat Gibbs (PCIfA, Archaeologist at MOLA) who explains her experience of being the Diggers' Forum group representative on Advisory Council and how this is also CPD.

Katie Roper - My experience as the first Hal Dalwood Memorial bursary holder at CIfA2017

Our December contribution comes from Katie Roper (MA PCIfA, Community Archaeologist at AOC Archaeology) who explains how she found the CPD opportunities at the CIfA Conference in April 2017. To read Katie's My CPD entry, just follow the link above.

Alex Llewellyn - Free CPD that works around me. Sounds too good to be true?!

Our February contribution comes from Alex Llewellyn (BSc MCIfA, Head of Governance and Finance at CIfA) who explains how she finds CPD opportunities that can work around a busy schedule. To read Alex's My CPD entry, just follow the link above.

Robby Copsey - Looking for CPD opportunites

Our July contribution comes from Robby Copsey (BA MA PCIfA, Project Assistant at NPS Group) who explains how he approaches CPD.

Lianne Birney - CPD - What's that you say?

Our December contribution comes from Lianne Birney (BA ACIfA, Membership Services Coordinator at CIfA) who explains how she discovered CPD and her approach, plus how it links to your PDP and why the CIfA CPD scheme really works.

Eleanor Digby - Work experience blog

Our July contribution comes from Eleanor Digby (Student) who has written a blog about her work experience week at the Museum of London.

Rachel Edwards - The CIfA CPD scheme is really helpful!

Our March contribution comes from Rachel Edwards (MA MA MCIfA, Self-employed working as Arboretum Archaeological Consultancy) who explains how the CIfA CPD scheme is really helpful and is not prescriptive about what counts as CPD, so as long as it fits in with your PDP.

George Luke - CPD for diggers

Our December contribution comes from George Luke (MA ACIfA, Self-employed field archaeologist seorasbheag [at] hotmail.co.uk ) who explains that being proactive and creating your own CPD is just as important as any training your employer may provide.

Andrea Bradley - What on earth can I do to make sure I’m up to date and developing my skills?

The first of our July contributions comes from Andrea Bradley (MA MCIfA, Independent Consultant) who explains how to identify various training opportunities when your work is so varied.

Steve Allen - Well, what does CPD mean to me? Read more to find out!

The second of our July contributions comes from Steve Allen (BSc MCIfA, Archaeological Wood Specialist, York Archaeological Trust) who explains how you can approach CPD in several ways, that his approach is essentially an opportunistic one and how this translates into practice.

Susan Hamilton - My most useful CPD tip? Read more to find out!

Our November contribution comes from Susan Hamilton (ACIfA, External Liaison Project Manager, Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland) who explains how she differentiates between different types of CPD and how to maintain a good balance.

Tara-Jane Sutcliffe - You too can be a CPD aficionado!

Our October diary entry comes from CBA Community Archaeology Training Coordinator, Tara-Jane Sutcliffe(MCIfA), who manages the Community Archaeology Bursaries Project, a Heritage Lottery Funded programme of one-year work-based learning placements.

Chris Cox - My CPD Diary? Yes, of course, I’ll send it right away……

Our September contribution comes from Chris Cox (MCIfA, Director, Air Photo Services Ltd) who discusses the value of keeping a CPD diary and how it has helped her come to value the contribution that constantly learning and updating your skills makes to your professional life. To read Chris' diary entry, just follow the link above.